Saturday, March 31, 2012

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 2

I still haven't heard from any of my international contacts so I did the alternative assignment. Targeting toxic stress in children was the article I read. This article was in its experimental phases but it had some great insight. Toxic stress in children can enable them to cope with normal stress in their adult life according to this article. Some of the causes of toxic stress in children are recurrent abuse, chronic neglect and constant exposure to violence. Another important fact from the article was that not all children from poverty are affected by toxic stress. Children that have adults in their lives making them feel secure and helping them deal with the stress have a better chance in developing skills for their adult lives


  1. Nice summary Terrance, Child deal with stress better than some adults.

  2. Terrance,

    I think stress is more common in children than people think. Even small or temporal stresses cause children’s aggressive behaviors and children who become victims of aggressiveness get stressed. Everyday stresses have negative influences on their ability to maintain good relationships, so teachers need to pay attentions to children’s stress levels.

  3. Terrance,

    I see stress in the parents and the children all the time. The stress that young children feel can last a lifetime. It is so important that we help these children have a space in our classrooms where there is no stress.

    I am sorry you still have not been able to make an international contact.


  4. Children often take on the stress of their parents as well as the normal stress of being a child. Children are able to handle some stress that an adult may have trouble handling, they are very resilient especially when given the support they need. My youngest son has medical issues that he has been dealing with for the past 3 years and some of the stress that he has had to endure I have had a hard time handling. He not only has the stress of the unknown of the outcomes of every surgery or procedure he has but he also has the stress of school and friends, etc. I have learned to give children more credit on what they are able to handle than I have in the past. The key is support and honesty.

  5. Hi Terrance

    Stress in children is a issue that people need to pay more attention to in young children because they sometimes can handle it better than adults. I enjoyed your summary.

  6. Hi Terrance,

    I to have not herad from my international contact as well. Maybe we will hear something before the end of this course. Good article because stress is a major issue among all of us including children which is not healthy for no one. Keep up the good work,

    Erica Hines
